Let’s Zoom about ECGs and STEMI!
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Your team walks away with information they can use immediately!
Getting a clean ECG in the real world
It is indeed possible to get a clear and accurate ECG in the real world. Perhaps more likely than you think! Simple, quick tricks can often make a big difference. This session explores common issues, answers frequently asked questions, and provides solutions. Topics include: Correct electrode placement for limb and chest leads, electrode placement for female patients, why the 12-lead is more sensitive to artifact, when your monitor is and isn’t trying to reproduce the ST segment correctly, and even tips for diaphoretic patients.
Essentials of STEMI recognition
Determining if a 12-lead meets the ST elevation criteria is easy, Right? Sometimes it’s a case of we don’t know what we don’t know! Most of us were not shown a specific approach or process to make this decision. And that’s precisely the goal of this session. This session provides a consistent approach for your whole team to use when determining if a 12-lead ECG meets the ST elevation criteria for STEMI. Topics include: What is the right way to find ST elevation? Which leads are anatomically contiguous? How much ST elevation is required in V2 and V3 versus other leads?
Managing the STEMI impostors: Part I
STEMI impostors are non-ischemic causes of ST elevation. STEMI impostors are numerous and encountered frequently. Perhaps more often than STEMI! So, how can you decide if ST elevation is from STEMI or a STEMI impostor? This session takes a practical approach to that decision-making. We provide a simple and straightforward approach to rule out the most common STEMI impostors quickly. Literally in three seconds! Once the top impostors are ruled out, the likelihood of STEMI increases dramatically.
Managing the STEMI impostors: Part II
What to do if a STEMI impostor is present along with ST elevation? Is the ST elevation from the impostor, or is there reason to believe a STEMI is also present? In other words, can you read STEMI “through” an impostor? This session explores that critical question. While it is not always possible to know with certainty, some strategies are very helpful. We start with some simple ones that work for all STEMI impostors and progress to some more specific strategies such as the Sgarbossa criteria for LBBB.
Activation without ST elevation? The STEMI equivalents
Are you looking for the STEMI Equivalents? Some of our patients that would benefit from immediate reperfusion do not meet the traditional ST elevation criteria. That makes them a STEMI equivalent. The STEMI equivalents explored in this session are Wellens Syndrome, DeWinter T waves, and an ECG pattern seen in left main or multi-vessel occlusions.
The 15 and 18 lead ECG
As good as the 12-lead is, it has two blind spots: The right ventricle and the posterior wall of the left ventricle. Each is important, just for different reasons. This session explores how to increase STEMI recognition by obtaining posterior leads and how to better manage complications of STEMI through information gained from the right-sided leads.
AV block in STEMI
The 12-lead not only helps us to suspect STEMI, but it can also provide information that leads to better management of complications arising from the STEMI. Once example is AV block management. There is way more to it than the degree of AV block! This session looks at how to use the 12-lead to assess better the severity of AV block (not only degree), the location (nodal versus infranodal), which are more stable which are less stable and which are more likely to respond to atropine and which will probably require external pacing.
12-Leads for EMTs
With STEMI, time is muscle. While EMTs are not expected to interpret the 12-lead ECG they still can save significant time to reperfusion! That’s why more systems are utilizing BLS providers to obtain and transmit a 12-lead ECG. This session conveys what an EMT needs to know about STEMI and the BLS 12-lead ECG. Topics include: Why the 12-lead is so important, who gets a 12-lead, when to get the 12-lead, how many 12-leads to get, and how to obtain a clear and accurate 12-lead ECG.
Capnography: The essentials
This session looks to provide a solid foundation for everyone using capnography. We explore both the ETCO2 number and the waveform, the three primary influences on capnography, the four basic waveform patterns, as well as uses in the intubated/ventilated patient.
Capnography: Beyond the basics
Capnography has been around in the prehospital environment for over 20 years. However, we may not be taking advantage of all of it’s uses. This session picks up where the previous one leaves off and looks at ways the information from the capnogram can influence our treatment. Covered in this session are topics such as: bronchospasm, early suspicion of impending shock, sepsis, hypoventilation, pulmonary embolism, and others.
Are these sessions recorded?
How long does each session run?
Who is the intended audience?
All of the sessions are geared for nurses and paramedics. Mid-level providers often find the
content quite help too. Some topics are specifically for EMTs. Physicians, however, are not the target audience.
How many people can participate?
That’s up to you and your organization.
What topics are offered?
How many back-to-back sessions can we schedule?
That depends on the ideal “seat time” for your group. Doing two sessions back-to-back is not an issue. If you are considering hosting a workshop of severs hours, please get in touch through the Contact form so that we can discuss your situation.
Can I request a topic?
Do you have a calendar of scheduled sessions?
Is CE provided?
We work with the sponsoring organization on CE. Upon request, we will provide the necessary information so the sponsoring organization can issue CE to their staff.
What is the cost?
The fee varies based on several factors including day of the week and time of day. Discounts apply when booking a quantity of sessions. For more details please use the Contact from and we will be in touch!